How to Prepare for Mosquito Season in the Rio Grande Valley

December 28, 2023

How to Prepare for Mosquito Season in the Rio Grande Valley

It may be winter now, but summer’s heat, and bugs, are just around the corner. With its warm climate, the RGV is a haven for many critters, including the common, annoying, and potentially disease-carrying mosquitoes. Defending against these invaders starts now, in the cooler months when bug activity is lower. For a bite-free summer, implement this guide to preparing for mosquito season in the Rio Grande Valley.

Adorable young woman with blond hair using branch scissors tool for shaping overgrown bushes in garden.

Get rid of potential breeding grounds

Mosquitoes lay their eggs in the cooler temperatures of late summer and fall. Their eggs then hatch when the weather begins to warm again in the spring. During this time, you have the opportunity to fight the onslaught of active insects by eliminating potential breeding grounds, both now and throughout the year. Look for any areas of stagnant water, including objects that may collect rainwater. Here are some ideas for where to look:

  • Containers
  • Gutters
  • Flower pots
  • Birdbaths
  • Swimming pools

If you find an area where mosquitoes may be comfortable laying eggs, remove it immediately. Empty out the containers, for example, or drain the stagnant water. Then store the items where they cannot collect more water to prevent the problem from occurring again.

Take care of your yard

An overgrown yard may also look like a comfortable home to mosquitoes. Remove areas where mosquitoes may shelter for shade and water. For example, take these steps to keep your yard mosquito-free:

  • Trim overgrown bushes.
  • Keep your grass cut.
  • Plant mosquito-repellant plants such as lavender or marigolds.
  • Add basil to your vegetable garden.
  • Use mosquito repellants

Removing breeding sites and making your yard unfriendly to mosquitoes is a good start. However, you may need to take a more active role in sending mosquitoes packing by implementing powerful mosquito repellants whenever you are outside. There are many options, from bug spray to appropriate clothing. Here are some of the options from which you can choose, or combine options for an even stronger way to keep mosquitoes, and their bites, away.

  • Wear long sleeves and pants.
  • Install mosquito nets or screens.
  • Apply bug spray.

Just make sure any spray you apply is EPA-approved, and make sure you are following some measure of protection at the times of day when mosquitoes are most active (Dusk and dawn).

Male Pest Control Worker Shaking Hands With Happy Woman

Use mosquito control products

In addition to personal protection, you can and should take advantage of mosquito control products for your property. Some of these products focus on eliminating mosquitoes while they are still larvae or eggs. Others focus on at least temporarily eliminating grown mosquitoes from infesting your property. Here are some of the options for you to consider:

  • Insecticides
  • Larvicides
  • Fogging
  • Yard sprays

A qualified pest control professional, like Esparza, can deliver customized mosquito control products to meet your specific pest control needs. We can even take into consideration the special needs of any children or animals while simultaneously getting rid of your unwanted guests.

Stay informed

The news around mosquitoes can change quickly. Keep yourself up to date on the latest information regarding things such as outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases. Some diseases that the Department of Public Health will release information about are West Nile virus and Zika virus. You should also familiarize yourself with the symptoms of these illnesses and seek medical attention if you begin to experience them.

Hire a pest control company

Finally, you can prepare for mosquito season in the Rio Grande Valley by hiring professional help in the form of a pest control company. Here at Esparza, for example, we can deliver customized mosquito solutions for your specific yard, home, and family. In addition, we can provide periodic treatments to keep away not just mosquitoes but many other types of common pests, such as termites and wasps. Ready to enjoy a bug-free summer? Contact us today!

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