McAllen’s Pest Patterns: Local Insights for Better Control

February 19, 2024

McAllen’s Pest Patterns: Local Insights for Better Control

Dealing with pest infestations in your McAllen home can be a real headache. But you can keep things well under control by spotting pests early.

If you are new to McAllen and unaware of the type of pests commonly found in McAllen or need a refresher, this article is for you.

Here, we will understand the local pest population and decode their seasonal patterns. Let’s unveil some ways to keep pests from bugging you.

Common Pests Found in McAllen

With its hot and humid summers, McAllen is a haven for pests. You can find a variety of pests in McAllen homes, some of which can be harmless, while others may carry disease-causing germs.

1.Bed bugs

Bed bugs are common in McAllen due to the high temperatures. In fact, 50% of the pest control companies agree they deal with more bed bug infestations in the summer than in the winter.

These tiny creatures may not be visible to the naked eye, but they can cause much discomfort while sleeping. They can also lead to skin allergies in babies and kids.


Termites are also common in McAllen. You can find various types of termites, like subterranean termites, dampwood termites, drywood termites, Formosan termites, and more here.

Termite infestations are common not only in McAllen but also throughout the US. They cause $5 billion in property damage annually across the US.

Cockroaches on the dishwasher sponge


If you’re in McAllen, cockroaches can be a common sight in homes. However, when they get out of control, they can be detrimental to health. In fact, 17 – 41% of the US population is affected by allergens carried by cockroaches. If you see them frequently, it’s better to call a pest control company right away.


Rodents, as pests, are the biggest nuisance. Their infestation is more difficult to control. What’s worse is that they can also spread other pests like ticks, mites, and fleas. You’ll often find rodents hanging out in dark, cluttered areas with access to food, such as the kitchen, basement, or garage.

Mice are capable of producing around 12 babies every three weeks. Therefore, if you spot one, you are likely to spot another sooner or later.


The presence of scorpions is typical in McAllen, Texas, during the summer months. They usually come in from the garden. They stay hidden in the winter and come out in the summer. You can find them around your landscaping area. Therefore, it’s better to keep your trees, bushes, and shrubs trimmed. Scorpions are also attracted to standing water.

Poisonous spider


Another notorious pest found in McAllen homes is spiders. Though not as lethal as those found in Australia, spider bites in the US are common. In McAllen, you can find web spiders that are harmless to humans. Garden spiders are also dominant in McAllen homes.

Poisonous spiders are also prevalent in Texas, and they are usually the ones you should stay away from. In some parts of McAllen, you can also find jumping spiders. Though not venomous, their bite can cause redness, swelling, and itching.

Seasonal Pest Patterns in McAllen

No season is pest-free. Different types of pests thrive in different temperatures and seasons. While some pests prefer hotter temperatures, others may prefer winters and monsoons. If you are in McAllen, here are the types of pests you can expect in different seasons:

Spring pests (termites, ants, bees, and ticks)

The months from March to May create the perfect conditions for pests like termites, bees, ticks, and wasps to thrive. This season serves as their prime mating period, thanks to the ideal temperatures that are neither too cold nor too hot, allowing them to emerge from hibernation.

Additionally, carpenter ants take advantage of this time to build their nests in damp, moist wood.

Summer pests (mosquitoes, earwigs, bed bugs, spiders, and stinging insects)

As the temperatures begin to rise, mosquitoes are the first to breed. Along with these, other pests that love high temperatures are bed bugs, lizards, spiders, and even cockroaches.

These pests can make their way to your home during high temperatures to protect themselves from outside heat. The cool and damp indoors create the perfect living conditions for them.

The months of July to August are also ideal for scorpions. The dryer and hotter months are best for their mating.

Winter pests (silverfish, centipedes, rodents)

Pests that cannot tolerate harsh winters find a safe and warm shelter to either hibernate, mate or simply protect from a drop in temperatures. Pests like silverfish and centipedes also prefer damp indoors like attics, bathrooms, wood piles, and closets to survive the winter months.

Similarly, rodents hate cold seasons and will try to find their way into the home through holes, cracks, attics, and foundation cracks anyway.

Fall pests (mice, stink bugs, boxelder bugs, ticks, and ants)

Fall is the perfect time for certain pests to prepare for hibernation during the winter. Some pests, like stink bugs, migrate around window screens to bask in the sunlight’s warmth. After fall maintenance, stink bugs may emerge as their habitats are disrupted. They are often found near plants and may even invade cars and other hidden spots in search of shelter.

Furthermore, some of the pests thrive throughout the year, like flies. They are more commonly seen in the summer and during rainfall. Fall is also the mating season for spiders, while they may infest your home throughout the year.

Middle age woman scratching itchy skin sitting on a couch at home

Effective Pest Control Strategies

While the best pest control strategy is to get an inspection from a pest control company, here are some effective tips to stop pest infestations:

  1. Check for all the places from which pests can enter your home. These include garages, attics, basements, and cracks around windows, doors, and foundations. You can call a professional company to seal the potential entryways.
  2. You can also choose to remove air conditioning units from windows during the fall and winter seasons.
  3. To reduce pest infestations in the basement, use a humidifier. Moisture and damp walls in basements can attract pests.
  4. Keep cardboard boxes, piles of leaves, log piles, old books, and wood away to minimize the presence of termites, carpenter ants, centipedes, and silverfish.
  5. Do not leave stored water uncovered to minimize the presence of mosquitoes during summers and monsoons.

These are some of the physical pest control strategies that can be followed to stop the spread of pests in your home. If your home is already dealing with a pest infestation, using chemical or biological pest control strategies may be more effective. For the latter, it’s recommended that you call local pest control professionals.

Get Top-Notch Pest Control Services from Esparza Today!

If you are looking for a pest control company that combines local knowledge with expert solutions to make your home pest-free, look upon Esparza pest control services. After a free inspection, our experts identify the best pest control strategy suitable for your place.

Our solutions provide holistic pest elimination without repeated sightings. Contact us today for more information on our residential and commercial pest control services in McAllen, Texas.


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